Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Laserpod is coming! WOW!

Remember the nebulous, psychedelic sky from Flash Gordon? (We're talking 'Gordon's Alive?' Flash, not the rickety old B/W series). Well imagine looking at it through a kaleidoscope from inside Jim Morrison's altered state of mind and you'd begin to understand the mesmerizing beauty of the Laserpod.

The effect is not dissimilar to a kind of hi-tech, souped-up lava lamp. But all this is just a preamble to the main event. Because with the diffusers in place, the Laserpod acts as a spectacularly captivating piece of ambient lighting. Remove them, though, and the room is immediately transformed into a mind-boggling supernova of nebulous kaleidoscopic light. Try saying that after a few pints of loudmouth soup! (Which, incidentally, is probably the best time to appreciate the marvellously mind numbing qualities of the Laserpod). With the Laserpod Original you can choose between two dazzling displays - red laser for a scintillating astral projection or a red laser / blue LED combination for awesome cosmic cloud effects.

I don't need to tell you what a brilliant device this is for when you seriously need to chill. Indeed, the Laserpod makes all other light show-type devices look about as impressive as those traffic light affairs that end-of-the-pier DJs employ when playing the disco version of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Despite its power, the Laserpod only requires 3 x AA batteries, but it can also be operated using the supplied mains adapter. (Handy, as time becomes an abstract phenomenon when you're busy being visually assaulted by the Laserpod).

This is one item that really has to be seen to be disbelieved, and we confidently predict the Laserpod will move off our shelves faster than you can say 'Wow, man; these shape-shifting beams of light are really twisting my melon.' :)

You will find other Laserpod information in internet!

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